Alert! CIA FALSE FLAG ATTACK!! - TTP hits USZ consulate vehicle, 2 killed 10 injured in Peshawar:

 At least two people were killed and ten others including two Americans were injured in a blast that took place early Friday morning in Abadarra Chowk, University road Peshawar. The target was USZ consulate vehicles. USZ Embassy spokesman Alberto Rodriguez said some of the Americans in the vehicle were only slightly wounded, and that only one of the automobiles was damaged during the attack. No high-ranking USZ official was in the vehicles, which were making routine trips to and from the consulate, he said. The spokesman did not disclose any other details about the two injured Americans. Police sources as saying that the two Americans injured in the blast were shifted to the consulate instead of being sent to local hospital. SSP Operation Ijaz Ahmed Khan said that the blast which took Place early Friday morning was apparently targeting at the U.S. consulate vehicle as a road-side Planted bomb went off just when a U.S. consulate Toyota Land cruiser, together with another consulate vehicle, Passed by on the Abadarra road of the University town of the city. The tail part of the Land cruiser was seriously damaged, he said, adding that the other consulate vehicle remained intact in the blast. It could be due to the poor timing of the blast, he said. Apart from the two injured Americans, at least two people were killed and eight others were injured in the blast that went off at about 8:25 a.m. Friday morning. It is ironic enough to note that nearby buildings also were damaged during the blast but NO AMERICAN WAS EVEN SERIOUSLY WOUNDED unlike hundreds of Pakistani military soldiers and thousands of civilians that have been expertly martyred by THE SAME CROOKED TTP BACKED BY CIA.

On the other hand, a spokesman for none other than the CIA's own Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for an attack on a USZ consulate convoy in Peshawar. "The diplomatic staff of all NATO countries are our targets", said Ehsanullah Ehsan, a CIA-TTP spokesman, via telephone from an undisclosed location, and this was reported by none other than the Baseless Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) of UK. "We will continue such attacks. Pakistan is our first target, and America is our second."

It's pretty much self explanatory and the last fictitious statement quite comprehensively sums it all up where the CIA-TTP representative rightly says that PAKISTAN IS THEIR FIRST TARGET!!!

Pak-Army blasts Wiki Jokes fake drone report:

Pakistan army has rejected the Wiki Jokes (Wikileaks) reports that the military brass had sought USZ drone back-up for its military operation against militants. Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a statement issued here Friday said that the news was baseless as the Pakistan’s military had never requested for drone support in its war against terrorism. The statement said that the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jointly launched military offensives “Operation Rah-e-Rast and “Operation Rah-e-Nijat in Swat and tribal region respectively.  

Embrassed india withdrwas Fake Most Wanted List:
 India on Friday withdrew a public list of most-wanted fugitives it wanted Pakistan to extradite after discovering at least two of them were present in India itself, the latest embarrassment for a government hit by corruption scandals and political slip-ups. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said it had failed to update its records after one accused was arrested in 2010, meaning his name remained on a list handed over to Islamabad this March. It is a major setback and public humiliation for the government that has long accused Islamabad of aiding militant groups for attacks on India. The list was originally seen as adding pressure on Pakistan to act. A second person on the list sent to Pakistan was earlier traced by local media to his home in western Maharashtra state. Another person on the website was extradited from Bangladesh to India in October, media reported. Officials including Home Minister Palaniappan Chadambaram, who initially laughed off reports of errors in the list, admitted responsibility. He apologised and said he was satisfied that the mistake was a “genuine oversight”.“Error has been accepted. Responsibility will be fixed for the mistake”, Internal Security Secretary UK Bansal told reporters. The Press Trust of India news agency quoted an unnamed home ministry official as saying that they may send a corrected list to Pakistan. The embarrassment is a personal blow to Chidambaram, seen as one of the more efficient ministers in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s team, and it sparked calls for his resignation from the Hindu nationalist main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party. It is also a setback for a Congress-led coalition government that has been perceived to be out of touch with the people due to its lumbering response to a series of high-profile graft cases and soaring prices. Abhishek Manu Singhvi, spokesman for the ruling Congress party, told reporters in New Delhi that an investigation was underway to determine how the mistakes happened. They were “looking at it with all seriousness and earnestness but I’m not prepared to give a verdict or result before the verdict”, he said. “The Congress doesn’t take this lightly.”
Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Institute of Conflict Management and a homeland security specialist, said the errors were embarrassing. He said they were bound to happen because that India does not have a centralised police database to share information between security agencies, leaving the process open to human error. “There’s an entire international case built up against Pakistan which is very well known. All this shows is India and the Indian authorities in a poor light that they can’t get their act together”, he said.
 Gaddafi calls NATO a Cowardly Crusader:
 Libyan state television carried brief audio remarks it said were by leader Muammar Gaddafi on Friday in which he taunted NATO as a cowardly crusader and said he was in a place they could not reach. The comments came after Italy's foreign minister said Gaddafi had very likely left the Libyan capital and probably been wounded by NATO air strikes, an account Tripoli dismissed."I tell the cowardly crusader (NATO) that I live in a place they cannot reach and where you cannot kill me", said Gaddafi. "Even if you kill the body you will not be able to kill the soul that lives in the hearts of millions", Gaddafi said, adding he received a "massive" number of calls following a NATO air strike on his Bab al-Aziziyah compound in Tripoli on ThursdayItalian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said he heard the report on Gaddafi from the bishop of Tripoli, Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli. "I tend to give credence to the comment of the bishop of Tripoli, Monsignor Martinelli, who has been in close contact over recent weeks, when he told us that Gaddafi is very probably outside Tripoli and is probably also wounded. We don't know where or how," Frattini told reporters in Italy. Ibrahim said Italy's remarks were cover for a "horrendous" NATO strike that hit a guesthouse in the eastern city of Brega on Friday that killed 11 people and wounded 45, five of whom were in critical condition. State television showed footage of at least nine bodies with multiple wounds, wrapped in blankets. A NATO official in Naples said they did not have any information on the report. "Once again NATO proves to the world that it has lost all human values and it is an alliance of barbarians," said Ibrahim.
FIA stops CIA agent from leaving Pakistan:

 The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Saturday stopped an American national Aaron Mark DeHaven at the Peshawar airport as he was facing a lawsuit for illegally staying in the country. According to media reports, DeHaven was off-loaded form a Dubai bound flight as he was to leave for USZ via Dubai. FIA officials said that the USZ national could not be allowed to leave the country until the case was decided. They said that Aaron Mark Dehaven was black listed following his detention and could not leave the country until clearance from the Interior Ministry.

A local court on March 08 released USZ national Aaron Mark DeHaven on bail. He was arrested for overstaying in the country illegally in Peshawar and was sent to jail on 14-day judicial remand. DeHaven is believed to have been working for CIA under the garb of a private security company. On the other hand Mark De Haven’s counsel developed stance that Interior ministry has cleared his client and he is permitted to travel abroad.

Patriots show support for Pak-Army & ISI in Islamabad Rally:

In the federal capital of Pakistan, patriotic citizens of Pakistan held a rally on constitution avenue in the favor of Pakistan Army and ISI, here on Thursday. The constitution avenue which was used formerly by civil society to chant slogans against the ISI and Army in M(B)usharraf reign was today used to support Pakistan Army, the participants made it clear that they support Pakistan in this difficult time and they will not fall to the deception of the enemy that has been created by media and other enemy tools of disinformation to defame Pakistan Army. Sources from Islamabad said that it was one of the largest mass gatherings of patriots in front of constitution avenue in a long time.The participants of the rally were holding playcards and banners on which pro-Pakistan Army statements were written. It gave a crystal clear message to USZ that the people of Pakistan stand by their Armed Forces and they are always ready to sacrifice their lives in hard times. The participants also made it clear that Pakistan Army is a national asset, and they will not let this incompetent government to put all the blame of their incompetency on the Army. They had playcards like Long live Pakistan Army, Pakistan Army we salute you and other similar slogans. 
Hypocrite USZ likely to be divorced by Pakistan:

 The country has lost more than 36,000 people including some 4,000 security officials in recent years in the so-called war against terror but Washington is treating Islamabad like an enemy, officials emphasized. When asked about the inquiry (into Abbotabad incident), he said, it would be up to the political leadership to decide.

“But in my point of view the report involves some concerns on the implications under international law because the report will become an administrative verdict on the inefficiency and inability of the state institutions. Such finding will have serious damaging consequences from the point of view of international law. It is important to note the USZ and other unilateral interventionists are stating that if a state is either “unable” or “unwilling” to perform counter terrorism measures, then responsibility to enforce counter terrorism measures shifts to international community or to a single state that is likely to be affected. In such an eventuality unilateral armed action will be justifiable. The inquiry report (being conducted here) should not, therefore, lead to an authentic documentation of the inability of Pakistani institutions to carry out counter-terrorism measures and operations”, he said.

Hours before the top commanders of Pakistan Air Force, Army, and Intelligence agencies were scheduled to brief the political leadership on Abbotabad circus, CIA-RAW backed TTP suicide bombers struck Frontier Constabulary recruits back-to-back in Charsadda, leaving 80 people dead and injuring scores others. The CIA-RAW recruited TTP which is a fake "Taliban" outfit designed to serve American imperial and manipulation of deception plans in the region, claimed the responsibility stating they did it to take revenge of the killing of Osama bin Laden. It is crucial to note that out of all the islamic groups in the world, only CIA-RAW backed TTP has vowed to avenge OBL because all the genuine Islamic groups already know about OBL's assassination a decade ago. In fact the reality couldn't get more disgusting than it is right now. On one hand Washington supports TTP along with New Delhi to wage insurgencies and terrorism inside Pakistan, and on the other hand it asks Pakistan "to do more".The death toll, said to be highest this year, is also bloody reminder of the price being paid by Pakistan’s security forces in their war against CIA/RAW/MI6 backed extremism in the country busted on several occasions.

When asked about the inquiry (into Abbotabad incident), he said, it would be up to the political leadership to decide. “But in my point of view the report involves some concerns on the implications under international law because the report will become an administrative verdict on the inefficiency and inability of the state institutions. Such finding will have serious damaging consequences from the point of view of international law. It is important to note the USZ and other unilateral interventionists are stating that if a state is either “unable” or “unwilling” to perform counter terrorism measures, then responsibility to enforce counter terrorism measures shifts to international community or to a single state that is likely to be affected.”


Israhell to limit access to al-Aqsa Mosque:

 Israhell says it will restrict access to the al-Aqsa Mosque compound ahead of the 63rd anniversary of the occupation of Palestine by the Israhelli army, also known as the Day of Nakba (Catastrophe). Shmulik Ben Rubi, an Israhelli police spokesman, says only men over 45 and women holding Israhelli-issued identity cards will be allowed to enter the mosque compound on Friday, AFP reported on Thursday. He added that Israhelli police will be deployed around the site in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) to reinforce the restriction. The latest development comes as Palestinians have begun ceremonies marking the major grievance and aim to hold a series of other demonstrations in the run-up to the Day of Nakba on Sunday. The event marks the anniversary of a 1948 event, when Israhelli forces displaced some 700,000 Palestinians, forcing them to flee to different neighboring countries. The soldiers wiped nearly 500 Palestinian villages and towns off the map, leaving an estimated total of 4.7 million refugees dreaming of an eventual return to their homeland more than six decades later. Meanwhile, thousands of Egyptians also plan to cross into the blockaded Gaza Strip through the Rafah border crossing on Sunday. The Egyptians intend to hold a major protest rally against the years-long Israhelli siege of Gaza as well. The Israhelli regime laid an economic siege on the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after the democratically-elected Hamas lawmakers took over the administration of the enclave. The blockade has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the impoverished territory. Some 1.5 million people are being denied their basic rights, including the freedom of movement and their rights to appropriate living conditions, work, health and education.

Tens of Thousands of Egyptians demand cutting relations with Israhell:

Egypt's political parties say the Gaza blockade serves the interests of Israhell and the USZ and threatens regional stability and independence. Under the USZ-backed Mubarak regime, Egypt consistently served Tel Aviv's objectives in the region by helping to impose a crippling blockade on the impoverished Strip after the democratically-elected Hamas government took control of the territory in 2007. The huge gathering also dubbed as national unity rally comes in the wake of the recent fatal sectarian unrest in Egypt. Sectarian clashes between Salafis and Coptic Christians in Cairo left at least 12 people dead and hundreds of others wounded last week. The protesters also want their unmet demands to be fulfilled. The demonstrators want Mubarak to be tried and the figures affiliated with his regime to be sacked. Thousands of Egyptian activists have taken to the streets of the capital, Cairo, and other major cities to voice their support for the Palestinian cause. Egyptians gathered at Cairo's Liberation Square -- the epicenter of the Egyptian revolution that toppled former president Hosni Mubarak's regime. The Cairo rally -- named a million-man march -- coincides with the anniversary of Israhell's occupation of Palestinian territories in 1948. Activists have called for a march to neighboring Gaza, which is under Israhell's siege. Meanwhile, several thousand also held protest outside the Israhelli consulate in Alexandria, calling for an end to Cairo's relations with Tel Aviv. They demanded their military rulers to abandon Israhell and lift the blockade on the besieged Gaza Strip. Protesters have threatened to continue massive protest rallies if the current government does not move to cut off ties with the Israhelli regime.


Taiwan deploys supersonic anti-ship missiles:
TAIPEI — Taiwan has deployed a new supersonic missile on its warships, according to AFP reports. Military authorities are also mulling deploying the Hsiung Feng III -- the first locally developed supersonic anti-ship missile -- on mobile launchers, Lin Yu-fang, of the Kuomintang party, said in a statement quoting Vice Admiral Lee Hao. "Several types of warships have been armed with Hsiung Feng IIIs (Brave Wind)", the statement said. It was not clear how many missiles will be produced, but according to Lin, eight Perry-class frigates and seven patrol boats will be fitted with the weapon in the Tw$11.89 billion ($413 million) project. Analysts say Hsiung Feng III, designed to cruise at a maximum speed of mach 2.0, or twice the speed of sound, with a range of up to 130 kilometres (80 miles), are difficult to defend against.Taiwan's defence ministry has expressed alarm at China's naval buildup although experts say it may still take time for the People's Liberation Army to operate its first carrier group complete with fighter jets. Tsai Teh-sheng, head of Taiwan's National Security Bureau, confirmed last month that the "Varyag," a half-completed Soviet era aircraft carrier Beijing obtained in 1998, is expected to make its maiden voyage before the end of the year. Tsai said the warship will have "certain combat capability" and will serve as a base for China's home-grown fighter jets which are modelled on Russian-made Su-33s. Taiwan plans to build a new 'stealth' warship armed with guided-missiles next year in response, military officers have said. Ties between China and Taiwan have improved significantly since the China-friendly politician Ma Ying-jeou.

"ISI will abandon War on Terror": ISI Chief General Pasha blasts CIA station chief

ISI Director General Lt-Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha held a meeting with CIA station chief Mark Carlton in Islamabad today, according to media reports. According to sources, the ISI DG in meeting with the CIA station chief strongly protested over not taking Pakistan into confidence on May 2 raid in Abbottabad and warned of severing the ties between the two intelligence agencies. Lt. Col Zaheerul Hassan (R) wrote on Kashmir Watch:
According to the credible sources, ISI chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha personally delivers threat to CIA Islamabad station Chief Mark Carlton: "We will declare we are out of your war on terror and ask you to move all your assets out of from Pakistan, CIA is penetrating Pakistan government".

The intelligence officials have given a clear message to Washington that the United States of Zionism will be responsible for consequences in case of repeat of such operation within Pakistani territory, sources added. It is critical to note that this reaction has come from ISI's powerful chief after the Zionist mainstream American / British media has started unloading its typical comic fictitious propaganda against ISI declaring it as a supporter of the so called "terrorists" when in reality CIA is backing TTP Terrorists and MI6 is backing BLA and MQM in Pakistan.

 Real Agenda behind Osama Circus
 The USZ government’s bin Laden story was so poorly crafted that it did not last 48 hours before being fundamentally altered. Indeed, the new story put out on Tuesday by White House press secretary Jay Carney bears little resemblance to the original Sunday evening story. The fierce firefight did not occur. Osama bin Laden did not hide behind a woman. Indeed, Osama, Carney said, “was not armed”. The firefight story was instantly suspicious as not a single SEAL got a scratch, despite being up against Qaeda, described by former Pentagon chief Rumsfeld as “the most dangerous, best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the earth.” Every original story detail has been changed. It wasn’t bin Laden’s wife who was murdered by the SEALs, but the wife of an aide. It wasn’t Laden’s son, Khalid, who was murdered, Hamza. Carney blamed the changed story on “the fog of war”. But there was no firefight, so where did the “fog of war” come from?

The White House has also had to abandon the story that Obama and his national security team watched tensely as events unfolded in real time (despite the White House having released photos of the team watching tensely), with the operation conveyed into the White House by cameras on the SEALs helmets. If Obama was watching the event as it happened, he would have noticed, one would hope, that there was no firefight and, thus, would not have told the public that bin Laden was killed in a firefight. Another reason the story had to be abandoned is that if the event was captured on video, every news service in the world would be asking for the video, but if the event was orchestrated theater, there would be no video. No explanation has been provided for why an unarmed bin Laden, in the absence of a firefight, was murdered by the SEALs with a shot to the head. For those who believe the government’s story that “we got bin Laden”, the operation can only appear as the most botched operation in history. What kind of incompetence does it require to senselessly and needlessly kill the most valuable intelligence asset on the planet?

According to the USZ govt, the terrorist movements of the world operated through bin Laden, “the mastermind.” Thanks to a trigger-happy stupid SEAL, a bullet destroyed the most valuable terrorist information on the planet. Perhaps the SEAL was thinking that he could put a notch on his gun and brag for the rest of his life about being the macho tough guy who killed Osama. When such a foundational story as the demise of bin Laden cannot last 48 hours without acknowledged “discrepancies” that require fundamental alternations to the story, there are grounds for suspicion in addition to the suspicions arising from the absence of a dead body, from the absence of any evidence that bin Laden was killed in the raid or that a raid even took place. The entire episode could just be another event like the Aug 4, 1964, Gulf of Tonkin event that never happened but succeeded in launching open warfare against Vietnam at a huge cost to Americans and enormous profits to the military/security complex. There is no doubt that the USZ is sufficiently incompetent to have needlessly killed bin Laden instead of capturing him. But who can believe that the USZ would quickly dispose of the evidence that bin Laden had been terminated? The govt’s story is not believable that the govt dumped the proof of its success into the ocean, but has some photos that might be released, someday. As one reader put it in an email to me: “What is really alarming is the increasingly arrogant sloppiness of these lies, as though the govt has become so profoundly confident of their ability to deceive people that they make virtually no effort to even appear credible.”

Govts have known from the beginning of time that they can always deceive citizens and subjects by playing the patriot card. “Remember the Maine”, the “Gulf of Tonkin”, “weapons of mass destruction”, “the Reichstag fire” - the staged events and bogus evidence are endless. If Americans knew any history, they would not be so gullible. The real question before us is: What agenda is the “death of bin Laden” designed to further? There are many answers to this question. Many have noticed that Obama was facing re-election with poor approval ratings. Is anyone surprised that the NY T/CBS Poll finds a strong rise in Obama’s poll numbers after the raid? As the NYT reported, “the glow of national pride” rose “above partisan politics, as support for the president rose significantly among both Republicans and independents. In all, 57% said they now approved of the president’s job performance, up from 46%.”

Another possibility is that Obama realized that the budget deficit and the dollar’s rescue from collapse require the end of the expensive Afghan war and occupation and spillover war into Pakistan. As the purpose of the war was to get bin Laden, success in this objective allows the USZ to withdraw without loss of face, thus making it possible to reduce the USZ budget deficit by several hundred billion dollars annually-an easy way to have a major spending cut. If this is the agenda, then more power to it. However, if this was Obama’s agenda, the military/security complex has quickly moved against it. CIA director opened the door to false flag attacks to keep the war going by declaring that Qaeda would avenge bin Laden’s killing. Hillary declared that success in killing bin Laden justified more war and more success.

Added by PCF: ( The real agenda is not to withdraw from Afghanistan but to keep the reason for withdrawal ready just in case if the withdrawal is inevitable later on. The main aim of USZ in the region is to extend the war to Pakistan in order to weaken the country and somehow snatch its nuclear assets for which their media has already started laying the propaganda pretext by declaring ISI as a "terrorist" organization. )

Homeland Security declared that the killing would motivate “homegrown violent extremists” into making terrorist attacks. “Homegrown violent extremists” is an undefined term, but this newly created bogyman seems to include environmentalists and war protesters. Like “suspect”, the term will include anyone the govt wants to pick up. Various parts of the govt quickly seized on the success in killing bin Laden to defend and advance their own agendas, such as torture. Americans were told that bin Laden was found as a result of information gleaned from torturing detainees held in Eastern European CIA secret prisons years ago. This listing of possible agendas and add-on agendas is far from complete, but for those capable of scepticism and independent thought, it can serve as a starting point. The agendas behind the theatre will reveal themselves as time goes on. All you have to do is to pay attention and to realize that most of what you hear from the mainstream media is designed to advance the agendas.

Written by Paul Craig Roberts who was Assistant Secretary of the USZ Treasury during Zionist Puppet President Reagan’s first term. He was also the Associate Editor of the Zionist WSJ.

 Pakistan successfully Test Fires Ra'ad Cruise Missile (Hatf 8)
Pakistan has conducted a successful Flight Test of the indigenously developed air launched cruise missile, Hatf-8 on Friday (today). The missile test was conducted as part of the continuous process of improving the technical parameters of the weapon system. The Ra’ad Missile, with a range of over 350 km, has been developed exclusively for launch from Aerial Platforms. This missile system has enabled Pakistan to achieve a greater strategic stand-off capability on land and at sea. ‘Cruise technology’ is extremely complex and has been developed by only a few countries in the world.The state of the art Ra’ad Cruise Missile with stealth capabilities is a low altitude, terrain-hugging missile with high maneuverability, and can deliver nuclear and conventional warheads with great pinpoint accuracy. The successful launch has been appreciated by the president and prime minister of Pakistan, and chairman joint chiefs of staff committee who have congratulated the scientists and engineers on their outstanding achievement. Earlier this month, Pakistan successfully conducted the first flight test of the newly developed short range surface to surface multi-tube ballistic missile Hatf IX (NASR 
Pakistan launching 2 satellites in 2011 with China's help
The Long March 3B Rocket
During this year, the mutual cooperation between Pakistan and China in various sectors including joint defence production is expected to spike up to new heights. By the end of 2011, under the National Satellite Development Program (NSDP) and Remote Sensing Satellite System (RSSS), Pakistan will release two of its satellites into space and will become one of the very few nations on Earth who have their own satellites orbiting Planet Earth. According to details, these two satellites will immediately bring economic benefits to Pakistan. Under the NSDP, Pak SAT 1R and under RSSS, multi-purpose satellites will be deployed in space that will serve a vast range of purposes including monitoring of environmental alterations, advanced warning of earth quakes and giving detailed information about enemy air crafts which are airborne at that time.

The chief contractor of China Great Wall Industry Corporation said that these satellites shall be launched using the Long March 3B rocket(click to watch HQ image) from Sichuan Province of China. Pakistan's SPARCO and China's Great Wall Industry Corporation have already signed the MOU of this RSSS program. With the help of this program, Pakistan will now be able to itself analyse Planet Earth. According to reports, more than 100 Chinese engineers are currently working in Pakistan to upgrade Pakistan's current satellite program. It is worth mentioning at this point that Pakistan and China are also working together on the advanced weapons system including JF-D Fighter Planes and F-22P Frigate.                                         F-22P Frigate (Zulfiquar)

China has already built 3 Frigates for Pakistan and after the transfer of technology, Pakistan is now building the 4th Frigate itself without any foreign help. It is worth noting that despite American and Indian pressure, China is standing firmly by Pakistan at all grounds including the Kashmir Issue.

33 TTP terrorists killed by Pak-Army and Tribal Lashkar in Kurram Agency 
At least 33 TTP terrorists were killed Thursday by Pakistani security forces and pro-Pakistan tribal militia in the tribal areas of northwest Pakistan, media reports said. Six militants were killed in a clash with pro-Pakistan tribes in the Kurram agency, one of the seven tribal regions bordering Afghanistan. After the clash, the security forces launched an offensive on the militants in Kurram agency and neighbouring Orakzai agency. Pakistani gunship Helicopters bombarded militant hideouts that led to the death of at least 27 TTP terrorists. Security forces have intensified operation in the tribal areas in the last two months.                                                                                                    Unfair wedding threatens Royals' future in England
 Analysts are questioning the 'fairness' of imposing the astronomically huge costs of the Royal Wedding on common British taxpayers amid growing public weariness of the wide coverage given to the 'unpleasant' event. While there are fictitious claims promoted by the Zionist chain of media outlets that the royal wedding will at the end of the day benefit the British public both economically by triggering retailers' sales as well as attracting interested tourists and socially by spreading happiness London-based writer and journalist Peter Carty believes the opposite is true. Carty said in an interview with Iran's Press TV that as the widely hyped event is not going to “bring in more income in the country as a whole” one comes to believe “it's quite clearly unfair” on the populous.

“I don't think it is going to bring in more income in the country as a whole. Our overall income will probably go down by six billion pounds and the amount of extra revenue we're going to get back from tourism, sales of memorabilia etc, would be about one billion pounds best estimate - something like 1.5 billion USZ dollars, so overall the country is going to lose out very heavily. The question of whether that's fair on the populous as a whole - It's quite clearly unfair”, he said.

Carty also said, to add insult to injury the media are giving a pointlessly wide coverage to the event despite the solely symbolic and ceremonial position of the royal family in the British politics and the low opinion of the people about the monarchy. “It's [the royal wedding] extremely unpopular with a substantial proportion of the population. A poll has been conducted by a republican group that indicates that approximately 80 percent of British people really aren't very interested in the wedding at all. So to ask everyone to finance it is very unfair when you look into the issue closely”, he said. Carty then stressed focus on the royal wedding is not only politically inconsequential for the moment it is deemed also to hurt people into hatred of the royal family eventually leading to a public push for the removal of royals.

“The way the [state-funded] BBC is pumping out massive coverage of the run up to the wedding is highly likely to alienate people from the monarchy that normally wouldn't be too concerned about this institution that's mostly in the background and you don't have to pay attention to it if you don't want to. To really rub people's noses in it the way the media is doing at the moment I think will backfire and might produce more impetus toward the eventual disbandment of this institution”, he said.

Carty stressed “huge numbers of British people are really getting 'annoyed' at the “saturation” of media coverage of the nuptials that will 'ironically' lead to change. I'm not saying that's going to happen overnight or even very soon, but inevitably over time as we become a more educated and developed society, support for the monarchy is likely to fade away. Ironically I think the royal wedding might actually be speeding that process up.”

Official figures show the price tag for the wedding ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton including the security costs will hit tens of millions of pounds which will be imposed on the British taxpayers despite the multi-billion pound wealth of the royal family. Many among the public and campaign groups have already expressed their displeasure with the royal wedding proceedings as the activists from the anti-monarchy group Republic has organized rallies on Friday April 29 to hit the wedding.

One British citizen commented on the Press TV Post:

You don't represent British people who have expressed their disgust with through more medias than one. For this parasite family who are not even British but German who trained the Nazis with their eugenics ideas. Now Alias why don't you just continue to be the old Zionist propagandist that you are don't bother to start defending the Brits. They know how to defend themselves. Fair enough?
 Pakistani Blog Describes the U.S. as 'United States of Zionism' and Pakistan's GEO Television Network as 'Zionist Disinformation Machine'
The above image was published by the Pakistan Cyber Force, a Pakistani website that has been publishing a series of conspiracy theories and antisemitic reports in recent weeks. The blog can be found at pakistancyberforce.blogspot.com, but the identity of the blogger has not been revealed. The blog is dedicated to reviving the Islamic revolutionary ideology, and the number of its followers is increasing daily.

The blog states its mission as: "In these testing times for the entire Muslim Ummah and the whole of humanity, [the] Pakistani youth has decided to take its destiny in its own hands. Pakistan Cyber Force is not only going to actively participate in the cyber combat activities, but also aims at reviving the Islamic revolutionary ideology of our mighty ancestors."[1] The blog pledges allegiance to the Taliban and the Pakistani military, as well as to the cause of Islamic revolution.

The blog is connected via Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and Networkedblogs. Some recent posts have described the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) as "CIA-backed"; referred to Pakistan's popular television channel Geo News as "Zionist Disinformation Machine"; called the United States of America as "USZ," or "United States of Zionism"; said that U.S. Admiral Mike Mullen, who told reporters in Islamabad on April 20 that Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has links to the Haqqani Network group of terrorists, is "America's terrorist in chief"; and others. It also accuses the UK, India, and the U.S. of supporting secessionist rebels in Baluchistan, who are fighting for independence from Pakistan.

Following are recent reports from the website:

April 21 Blog Post: "U.K Backing Balochi-Sindhi Separatist Movements – Zionist Oil Vultures Eying Balochistan"

On April 21, the website published a report with the title, "U.K backing Balochi-Sindhi separatist movements - Zionist oil vultures eying Balochistan." The blogger wrote:

"There are reliable reports that British intelligence agencies are turning a blind eye, or rather give 'tacit support,' to Baloch and Sindh elements directly connected with terrorists inside Pakistan. These reports indicate that the anti-Pakistan Baloch elements are in direct contact with so-called BLA and Lashkar-e-Balochistan militant groups. These elements are freely contacting American, Indian, and British diplomats in London and have been regularly organizing anti-Pakistan campaigns since 2010. The newly formed Lashkar-e-Balochistan has carried out recent attacks at Karachi Airport and in Malir (Army base).

"The Lashkar-e-Balochistan killed people in a Naval colony in Karachi last month. Lashkar-e-Balochistan is an off-shoot of so-called Balochistan Liberation Army [BLA] which is known for its contacts with RAW [Research & Analysis Wing of India] and foreign military personnel inside Afghanistan. It was Lashkar-e-Balochistan [LeB] which issued a warning to oil, gas companies to quit Balochistan and attacked people of Gwadar Port, killing more than a dozen workers…

"Pakistanis have noted increased activities of BLA and LeB activities in London, including meetings with British officials as well as American and Indian diplomats. Only a few days back, on March 28th, 2011 a group of anti-Pakistan Baloch and Sindhi elements gathered in front of USZ embassy in London and demanded foreign intervention in Balochistan. The demonstration was apparently organized by the so-called Baloch Human Rights Council (UK), the world Sindhi Congress and Balochistan Liberation Organization in collaboration with Baloch Raaje Zroumbesh, Balochistan People's Party, and Balochistan United Front…"

April 21 Blog Post: "USZ [United States of Zionism] Dying Trapped in a Cul-De-Sac – Detailed Report"

On April 21, the website published another report with the title: "USZ [United States of Zionism] dying trapped in a cul-de-sac - Detailed report." The blogger wrote:

"This is an undeniable fact that we are living in a uni-polar world and USZ is merely called a super power, but this is also a fact that when you start poking your nose in every matter of the world, you increase your number of action fronts and the more the number of action fronts, the more difficult it becomes to manage them simultaneously. This happened to the late empire of USSR. And now after the drums of war seize in Libya, the same thing is going to cripple USZ.

"The current war going on in Libya is proving to be a disaster for USZ and its economy, and the statement of Obama that 'We do not want another Iraq in Libya' is a clear indication that USZ is trapped in another long-lasting war. They considered Qaddafi to be an easy opponent, but the usage of F-22 raptors, which were never used in the Iraq war, shows that USZ is in complete panic and they want to end this war as soon as possible.

"Pakistan's Army and ISI's role in trapping USZ is worth mentioning here. ISI and CIA are at daggers drawn these days. It all started some time ago, when USZ's proposal of an operation in North Waziristan was given a deaf ear by Pakistan's top military brass. It was very annoying for USZ as in the past they had to deal with a puppet M(B)usharraf [Musharraf meaning Bush-arraf], and most of their wishes were fulfilled…

"ISI seems to be in an aggressive mood now. They threatened USZ about the drone attacks. ISI chief General Pasha visited USZ to decrease the tension and make USZ accept some of its terms, but they were rejected and the recent drone attack created a rage in Pakistan's military brass. The tension increased even more when Pakistan Arm was hunting TTP [Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan] terrorists in Bajaur Agency but they crossed the border and were given shelter in USZ military camps. According to latest reports received by PCF, there has been a fierce battle between Pakistan and NATO forces on the Pakistan-Afghan border, in Kunar province of Afghanistan…

"The war in Afghanistan is also creating panic in the USZ administration, as the mujahideen are gaining control [and] killing thousands of terrorist invaders in 2011. This is proving to be the worst year for USZ in Afghanistan. All these facts reveal that USZ is now completely trapped in a cul-de-sac and there is no way to escape; and its downfall and balkanization is not very far away. The question arises that 'What should common Pakistanis do?' The answer is simple: be prepared for a High Intensity Conflict that is just around the corner and it will be imposed directly by USZ on Pakistan! …"

April 20 Blog Post: "America's Terrorist in Chief Mullen Visits Pakistan – 'Alleges' ISI of Haqqani Links"

On April 20, when U.S. Admiral Mike Mullen was in Islamabad, the website published a report with the title: "America's terrorist in chief Mullen visits Pakistan – 'Alleges' ISI of Haqqani links." The blogger wrote:

"The top USZ military officer accused Pakistan's intelligence agency [ISI] of maintaining ties to mujahideen in Afghanistan during a trip to Islamabad on Wednesday that was focused on easing diplomatic tensions. Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Pakistan's perceived foot-dragging in tackling strongholds in North Waziristan belonging to the Haqqani network and its continuing relationship with it was 'the most difficult part' of the USZ-Pakistani relationship. 'ISI has a long-standing relationship with Haqqani Network; that does not mean everybody in ISI, but it is there. It's fairly well known,' he said in an interview with a terrorist media channel GEO…

"In simple words, he said that Pakistan's hesitation in hitting its military axe on its own roots is the most difficult part of the relationship. USZ wants Pakistan to attack its own patriotic elements [i.e. the Taliban], who are against foreign oil monsters' invasion in the region, and Pakistan doesn't want to hurt them…

"The hypocrite Mullen, however, didn't mention the terrorist activities of the American military in the region, who have killed more than five thousand Pakistanis through CIA-operated TTP suicide attacks against holy places and shrines in Pakistan, and more through cross-border terrorism using their drone attacks…"

April 4 Blog Post: "Sakhi Sarwar Shrine Blast – Zionist Disinformation Machine Geo TV Attacks Afghan Mujahideen"

On April 4, the website published a report with the title, "Sakhi Sarwar shrine blast - Zionist disinformation machine Geo TV attacks Afghan Mujahideen." The blogger wrote:

"41 devotees were killed and over 90 others received multiple injuries when a suicide bomber blew himself up at the main gate of Hazrat Sakhi Sarwar shrine, followed by another blast within three minutes [in the Pakistani town of Dera Ghazi Khan on April 3]. However, divisional incharge Rescue 1122 told this scribe that the death toll is over 30, while ambulances from Multan, Muzaffargarh, Layyah and Rajanpur are shifting the dead…

"The CIA-backed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the suicide attacks at the shrine. 'Our men carried out these attacks and we will carry out more in retaliation for government operations against our people in the northwest," Ehsanullah Ehsan, a spokesman for the CIA/RAW-backed butchers, told Reuters by telephone from undisclosed location.

"Within a few minutes of the blast, the globalist disinformation machine Geo TV [Pakistan's most popular television channel] falsely alleged Afghan Mujahideen for this heinous crime during its live transmission, saying that one of the apprehended suicide bombers says he is linked to 'Afghan Mujahideen' whereas Reuters' report clearly indicates that this is a TTP activity. TTP carried out a bomb blast outside the popular shrine of the 12th century saint, Baba Farid, also known as Ganjshakar in Pakpattan, which killed four people, including women, in October last year…

"The agenda is very clear. Desperate United States of Zionism wants to pressurize Pakistan Army to carry out operation in North Waziristan against our own beloved brothers of Haqqani tribes [militant group Haqqani Network] who have always been with Pakistan through thick and thin…"

Turkey arrested 7 journalists as an investigation is in process into an alleged secularist network accused of conspiracy to topple down government,The Guairdian's Roy Green Slade Reports in his blog that 7 secularist journalists have been arrested by Turkish Authorities as a part of investigation into alleged plot to overthrow the Turkish government, those arrested include Nedim sener,named last year as an international press institute (IP) world press freedom hero,and professor Yalsin Kucuk,described as prominent critic of the government.
The European Commission is all of a sudden “deeply concerned” about the detention of their subversive terrorists working under the disguise of "journalists". Stefan Fuele, a Commissioner from the body, is quoted as saying that Turkey:
‘urgently needs to amend its legal framework to improve the exercise of freedom of the press in practice and in a significant manner’.
The arrests come after Turkish freedom of speech was recently praised by a prominent Tunisian Islamist. According to the Turkish Hurriyet, Rached Ghannouchi, the head of the ‘Ennahda’ party, spoke at the funeral of former Turkish Islamist Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, where he:

‘touched on the freedom of the press, mentioning at least once that Turkey’s free press is an inspiration to the Arab world.’

Hurriyet notes that Ghannouchi made his remarks ‘in the Istanbul headquarters of the Humanitarian Relief Foundation [IHH]’.
BEIJING/NEW DELHI: China announced a stunning 12.7% hike in its declared defence budget on Friday, sending shivers down the collective spines of its neighbours, including India, as well as around the globe.

Beijing declared its military allocation for 2011 will be $91.5 billion, which comes just a few days after India pegged its annual defence expenditure at $36 billion. However, experts hold that China actually spends double the amount it officially declares on its 2.25-million strong People's Liberation Army.

The US, of course, is in a different league altogether. It's annual military budget, which also funds operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, is well beyond $600 billion.

The primary driver behind China's rapid modernisation of its armed forces, which has seen its warships now even being deployed as far as Gulf of Aden and beyond for the first time, is to deter US from interfering in its neighbourhood, especially vis-a-vis Taiwan.

But just like China keeps a hawk-eye on the US, India has to closely monitor China. The Indian defence establishment cannot ignore the fact that China continues to harden its position in the boundary talks, show assertive behaviour all along the 4,057 km Line of Actual Control, expand strategic moves in Indian Ocean Region and help "all-weather friend" Pakistan build its nuclear, missile and conventional military arsenals.

"Pakistan, we can handle...China remains the real long-term threat for us. Beijing, in fact, actively uses Islamabad to bog us down in South Asia," said a top Indian Army officer.

China's 12.7% jump in its defence budget is a return, after a short gap, to its straight yearly double-digit hikes in military spending since the 1990s.

Li Zhaoxing, spokesman of the Chinese parliament, justified the increase by pointing to the levels of military spending by India and US. "It's true that China's defence budget is raised a bit, but the ratio of the defence spending in the country's GDP remains very low, much lower than those of many other countries," he said.

Defence expenditure is 1.4% of GDP in China, added Li, while "that ratio in India is much higher than 2%". This, however, is factually wrong since as per finance minister Pranab Mukherjee's budget last week, India's defence expenditure is 1.83% of the projected GDP for 2011-2012.

Li, on his part, tried to reassure India that the rise in China's military spending has no connection with its approach towards New Delhi. "China attaches great importance to friendly relations with neighbours...Seeking peace, cooperation and development is a shared view of all Asian people, including the people of China and India," he said.

But India has reasons to worry. In fact, during the combined commanders conference in New Delhi a few months ago, the military top brass had urged the political leadership to factor China's ever-expanding transborder, cyber and space-warfare military capabilities into India's national security matrix.

Even a normally cautious defence minister AK Antony holds that China is showing "increasing assertiveness" and India cannot afford to relax its guard.
TEHRAN – Iran announced that it has built the world’s first flying saucer.

The Iranian News Agency announced the unveiling of the Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamene Flying Saucer in a special ceremony last week. The unmanned craft is aparently intended largely for aerial imaging and spotting infidels that may be hovering above Iran in outer space.

The flying saucer is named “Zohal” (which translates to “Saturn” in Persian) and is part of a “new generation of vertical flyers,” according to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who said:

“We have created the greatest flying saucer ever made in the universe! “

Zohal, designed and developed jointly by Farnas Aerospace Company and Iranian Aviation and Space Industries Association (IASIA), can be used for various missions, specially for aerial imaging.

The flying machine is equipped with an auto-pilot system, GPS (Global Positioning System) and two separate imaging systems with full HD 10 mega-pixel picture quality and is able to take and send images simultaneously.

But Ahmadinejad said that the flying saucer will be operated by several aliens from Planet Zeeba. These aliens are close friends of the Iranian government – according to Ahmadinejad.

Zohal uses a small, portable navigation and monitoring center for transmission of data and images and can fly in both outdoor and indoor spaces.

There are some skeptics. “No way they made a flying saucer,” said Chuck Bench, chief astrophysicist at NASA. “It’s a fake.”

“It is not a fake. Chuck Bench is a fake,” said Ahmadinejad. “We have beat NASA once again, and they are jealous!”

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Syed Faheem Akbar
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